Sunday, 21 April 2013

Banned for using a XBOX 360 copy

Yesterday I received a message from an individual about being treated very unfairly on NexusMods. He owned a copy of the Elder Scrolls Skyrim game on the Xbox 360 and was trying to get support.

Nightspectre420: How do I reach the gray beards am usin a xbox copy but it keeps crashin every time i get near the mountain?

Nightspectre420: I bought another copy but it keeps crashin every time

Lady Milla: I don't have time for thieves, you are banned.

From the sounds of it the administrators are randomly banning anybody for using a Xbox copy. I knew they banned anyone who admitted to using a crack but this is yet another example of the brutal regime which exists on NexusMods.


  1. Yeah, this doesn't surprise me. They banned me for asking for help also. I am 24 and my time is valuable, when I entered the chat room on nexus I asked for help and was greeted by an army of young kids ready to call me names and tell me how big of a noob I am...

    When I talked back and told them how it was, i was immediately banned and IP banned, not just my user by children for children

    1. You sound like a child yourself, a self-important, arrogant fool of a child.
      Probably went on a profanity-laden rant about how great you really are, well Lord knows from dust you came and to dust you'll return, as a matter of fact, dust you are sinner.
